We would like to inform you that we use the "Union Islamic Organization of France (UOIF)" calculation method to calculate prayer times. You can make the necessary changes in the Athan app settings.
We are committed to promoting integration by organizing cultural, educational and social events.
We provide assistance in organizing charity, weddings, funerals and all other everyday matters.
We offer educational activities that support intellectual, spiritual and social development, promoting cultural diversity and religious understanding.
Areas of our
Driven by our faith's emphasis on knowledge, helping those in need, and building a strong community through charity, your support empowers our foundation. With your contribution, we can expand educational programs, provide humanitarian aid, and organize events that bring us closer together. Together, let's fulfill these core Islamic values and make a lasting difference in our community. May Allah (SWT) reward your generosity
The news section is a source of the latest information, inspiration and opportunities to get involved in the activities of the foundation and our broader community. We invite you to visit this section regularly to stay up to date with our activities and events.
The news section is a source of the latest information, inspiration and opportunities to get involved in the activities of the foundation and our broader community. We invite you to visit this section regularly to stay up to date with our activities and events.
Our vision is to create a community based on understanding, respect and cooperation, where each member has the opportunity to develop spiritually, intellectually and socially.
Our mission is to promote Islamic values through education, charity activities and active integration with the local community. We strive to support those in need, raise awareness about Islam and build positive relationships between various social groups.
NIP: 6821804688
REGON: 527876081
KRS: 0001089808